BGU & YOU | Spring 2024



DEC 2023

BGU France Gala Michaël Darmon, a journalist at i24News, interviewed two distinguished speakers: Maël Benoliel, a war reporter, and His Excellency Eric Danon, former French ambassador to Israel, at a BGU France gala dinner bringing together around a hundred participants.

L-R: Maël Benoliel interviewed by Michaël Darmon. Photo: Sandrine Ohana Adda



DEC 2023 Fundraiser in Buenos Aires The Argentinian Friends of BGU held an event in Buenos Aires with around 250 attendees. The main speaker was Alfredo Leuco, a renowned Argentine Jewish journalist who had been in Israel in October. Also present were Nava Rubenzadeh, President of the Argentinian Friends, and Violeta Teubal, who sponsored the event.


L-R: Alfredo Leuco with Emilio Perina, a member of the Argentinian Friends of BGU who presided over the fundraising event. Photo: AAABGU


DEC 2023: CEO for BGU Canada Andrea Freedman was welcomed as Chief Executive Officer of BGU Canada in December. Photo: Peter Waiser

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