BGU & YOU | Spring 2024


The past year has been one of uncertainty and upheaval, which significantly impacted the BGU community. But thanks to the heartfelt generosity of our friends and supporters – both old and new – it has also been a deeply inspiring period. With the help of our friends around the world, we were able to respond quickly and decisively to meet the diverse needs of our community. This heartwarming demonstration of solidarity is most noteworthy. Your support continues to galvanize us. We know that together, we will emerge from these challenging times stronger than ever. In addition to generously contributing to our emergency response efforts, our committed supporters also advanced BGU's long-term goals with donations to myriad projects at the University, profoundly influencing BGU’s trajectory and shaping its future along with the future of the State of Israel.

With a truly transformative gift to BGU as part of the Way Forward Campaign, Sylvan and Margaret Adams are instrumental in the University's efforts to strengthen the Negev. Enabling BGU's leadership role in revitalizing the region at this critical time, they are making David Ben-Gurion's vision for the Negev a reality. The funds are earmarked to execute an extensive plan aimed at advancing education and campus life at BGU, while rebuilding and strengthening the South. Just as their support of the Sylvan Adams Sports Center set a new standard for sports and recreation at the University, this gift will be a gamechanger, enhancing life at BGU and in the Negev for generations to come. In 2022, Sylvan Adams was awarded an honorary doctorate from BGU in recognition of his outstanding Israel advocacy and achievements.

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