The GGFBM student team to the JMSB Case Competition. Photo: Courtesy

MEXICO BGU Invited to Mexican Parliament Jacobo Mekler Waisburd, president of the Mexican associates and BGU Representative Alejandro Grinberg were invited to visit the Mexican General Congress on Mexico’s flag day. The two spoke about BGU at the parliamentary committee on education and attended the plenum.

CANADA Montreal Supports BGU’s JMSB Case Champions BGU Canada Montreal chapter launched a fundraising campaign in January to support the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management student participants in the prestigious John Molson School of Business International MBA Case Competition. BGU’s team won three out of five cases.

(L-R): Jacobo Mekler Waisburd, congressman Cesar Augusto Rendon García, and Alejandro Grinberg


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