CONTENTS 04 MESSAGE Jeff Kaye Vice President for Public Affairs

Since joining Ben Gurion University of the Negev as its President, I've asked myself what is it that makes our supporters so dedicated to our success? What is the basis of the relationship that makes our friends from around the world as committed to us as we are to them?

and Resource Development

The answer, I believe, lies in the BGU mission. Our clear, critical mission – the development of the Negev for the future of Israel and the world – has allowed us to partner with devoted supporters around the world. By joining the BGU community, you know you are supporting Israel and Zionism, helping to make the world a better place for future generations. Your support lets us go that extra mile; it can determine whether a student gets a life-changing scholarship, or whether a new startup company is established in the Negev and generates new jobs and wealth in our region. It allows us to provide our researchers with the state-of-the-art facilities that enable them to do the remarkable; and to dare approach the arts and sciences from unconventional perspectives. Over the past few years, we have expanded our global community through the dedicated efforts of our old and new associates organizations around the world, and the tireless work in support of those associates by the Public Affairs and Resource Development Division, led by Jeff Kaye. Mostly though, we have expanded our global community by infecting you, our supporters and friends, with the joy and satisfaction that comes from boundless exploration. When you join your enthusiasm with ours, we benefit from your ideas, initiatives, knowledge, and experiences. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, but especially for your friendship. You inspire us, and I hope we inspire you in turn.

05 MESSAGE Toni Young Chair of the Global Development Committee


FEATURE Israel’s Global Pioneers The Halutz Global Leadership Initiative

10 For the Negev, From the World News from our worldwide friends and associates

Prof. Daniel Chamovitz, President

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information presented here is accurate and comprehensive.


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