Dr. Barbara Seletsky (left) and Dr. Marcia Halpern. Photo: A4BGU

A4BGU CEO Doug Seserman and Sherrie Savett. Photo: A4BGU

USA Philadelphia Kicks Off the “Beacon of Light” Tribute In August, Sherrie Savett and Barbara Seletsky co-hosted a kick-off for November’s “Beacon of Light in the Negev” tribute brunch. Held in Savett’s Philadelphia home, the event featured Rose Bayer, alumna of BGU’s Medical School for International Health, and A4BGU CEO Doug Seserman. USA President Chamovitz Talks Innovation in Aspen At July’s “Igniting Israeli Innovation,” hosted by the Chabad Jewish Community Center of Aspen, Colorado, participants heard BGU President Prof. Daniel Chamovitz and A4BGU CEO Doug Seserman explain how BGU has become a national and international trailblazer in high-tech, medical research, and sustainability and climate change.

USA A4BGU South Florida Gains New Co-Chairs Edward and Marilyn Kaplan of Boca Raton were introduced as the new co-chairs of A4BGU’s Florida chapter at a virtual launch event in August.

President Prof. Daniel Chamovitz speaks in Aspen. Photo: A4BGU


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