ISRAEL’S Global Pioneers The Halutz Initiative for Global Leadership empowers an elite community to carry forward the vision of David Ben-Gurion. Photos: Dani Machlis

on articulating their goals and beliefs, not explaining their products, values, or benefits. They understood, he argues, that to be a great leader, you need to communicate a vision of the future. Like, for instance, Israel’s desert in bloom.

In his famous TED talk “Start with Why,” the inspirational speaker Simon Sinek explains the particular genius of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose ideas, he points out, weren’t all that different from those of other civil rights activists at the time.

“What he gave at the Mall in Washington that day was his ‘I have a dream’ speech,” he says. “It was not, ‘I have a plan.’” To Sinek’s way of thinking, the most successful leaders and organizations, from Apple to the Wright Brothers to Winston Churchill, focused


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