A Leader Powered by People for the People Farewell to David Bareket

Photos: Dani Machlis

Later this summer we bid farewell to our long-serving Vice President and Director-General, David Bareket, who has led from behind the scenes during his more than 30-year career at the University. When David Bareket joined the staff of BGU as a comptroller in 1989, the University had just experienced its worst financial crisis ever. Thirty odd years later, student enrollment has tripled, our campuses have grown exponentially with countless state-of-the-art buildings and facilities, and BGU is the most financially secure institution of higher education in the country, thanks in no small part to his careful stewardship. Upon retiring, Bareket is leaving the University well prepared to further expand its vision and scope: “I hope the stability of the last three decades continues,” he said. “Our responsible fiscal policy and financial stability facilitate trust and make possible ambitious projects like building the North Campus. We have the resources thanks to the generosity of our donors, and we owe it to them to be responsible with their money.”

To read more about the University’s history from David’s perspective, see the full article in the 2022 President’s Report


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