SOUTH Shall We G Notable visitors to BGU this year

“Increasing the number of students studying engineering is the key to maintaining the competitiveness of Israeli hi-tech, advancing Israel’s national security, and reducing the gaps in israeli society.” — Bezhalel Machlis, President and CEO of Elbit Systems

Dr. Andre Gasiorowski with President Chamovitz. Photo: Dani Machlis

Outgoing Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on a last visit to Sde Boker with BIDR Director Prof. Noam Weisbrod. Photo: Shlomi Znati

Presidents of Israel and Germany Tour Technologies at Sde Boker Former President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and President of Germany Frank Walter Steinmeier visited the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research in Sde Boker in July to hear about BGU’s research in the areas of desertification, sustainability, and climate change.


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