CANADA Montreal Toasts Outgoing President The Montreal chapter of BGU Canada hosted a cocktail reception at Congregation Shaar Hashomayim in December to thank outgoing

Author and BGU professor Etgar Keret. Photo: Dani Machlis

chapter President Jack Altman and welcome new President Peggi Cohen Rabinovitch. Guest speaker Paul Hirschson, the new consul general for Israel to Quebec, spoke about the Abraham Accords to an audience that included Senator Tony Loffreda.

CANADA BGU Canada Launches Online Conversation with Israeli Authors In January, Toronto BGU Canada board members Naomi Oelbaum and Deborah Siegel, and Executive Director Shimmy Wenner, launched “In Conversation with Israeli Authors,” a Canada-wide virtual literary series featuring books by Israeli authors and past and present BGU lecturers, including Etgar Keret, Ayelet Gundar Goshen, Ayelet Tsabari, and Eshkol Nevo. Supported by Indigo Books and Music Inc., all series proceeds were donated to BGU’s Department of Hebrew Literature.

Montreal Chapter outgoing and incoming presidents, Jack Altman (right) and Peggi Cohen Rabinovitch. Photo: BGU Canada


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